Junk Removal Donations and Community Support

Junk Responders Unloading Truck
We Donate!

Junk Responders is committed to the communities we serve, and we show our support in more ways than one.

To start with, we send usable junk removal donations to charities and non-profits. These include items you no longer use or have space for such as clothing, food, furniture, books, instruments – just to name a few.

Another way we support the community is through non-profit donation.  Junk Responders offers a program that allows our customers to pick from a list of registered non-profit. We then donate 10% of the profit from each job to the charity or nonprofit of your choice.

Our Donation Philosophy

We know that some charities and non-profits have more meaning to certain people, so we don’t want to limit our donations to just ONE cause.

Each day we think of how we can give back. The reason we started this business is to do just that. This allows us to help the environment, the community and you. While some downplay the junk hauling business, we do not. A lot goes into the business when you do it correctly and recycle and donate to the community.

Think about the clutter you may have in your garage, shed, backyard, etc. We know it’s tough to get rid of “junk” at times. However, you’ll feel good knowing a portion will be donated or recycled.  On top of that, a portion of the cost will be donated to a charity of your choice! What do you have to lose?


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